I'd like to think that we all have "space invaders" in our lives, they are called ex's, I hope you reading this has never been a space invader because this might just offend you.
Its amazing how ex's make it their mission to try and get you back into their lives, the most shittiest part is when they come to you when you're very happy alone or in a new relationship, it amazes me how they know that you're happy cause that's the only time they come back into your life.
They come and try to convince you that they are a "changed person" and everybody deserves a second chance, and they know that you are in a relationship with someone else but that's not the end of the world, its just a challenge for them to win you back, to show you something that you're missing in your life.
Another thing that amazes me is when someone says "it is the new me" how could it possibly be the new you, if you are still in the same body, if you see me you still don't know how to say please and thank you.
The number one thing that people don't realise is that your ex is your ex for a reason.
They are an ex because you finally realised that is not what you want in a relationship, they are that person that does not respect you, they did not satisfy you in the way that you needed to be satisfied, they did not come into your heart and touch you like you needed to be touched, they just did not understand you completely or lets just say they did not get you.
These are some of the reasons that your ex is an EX, people never change, maybe for a week but they are still the same person.
Ex's do not go in a trans and change overnight, that person is still there, what makes them think that everything in the relationship would be different. Ex's are just plain disrespectful, they invade your space when you are at your most happiest with someone that you really like.
What to do about a space invader???
The problem starts when an ex sees that you are happy with somebody new, that is when they invade your space. First of all you need to be upfront and honest with the ex, if you don't need him in your life then why are you trying to spare his feelings by keeping quiet and not telling them exactly how you feel.
By keeping quiet about you not wanting your ex back you think that its better to stay quiet instead of hurting them but little do you know it does more harm than good, be upfront and tell them that there will be no second chance and you are happy where you are.
It is also important to let go of your past with your ex, in order for you to move on and be with someone that you really deserve and every time an ex comes and invades your space it does not only cause stress for you but it hurts the bond and relationship you have with this new person.
"Honesty is the best policy" just be honest about your new relationship to your ex and make sure that he understand that he needs to RESPECT that.
Now back to all the ex's out there I ask you this:
Are you a space invader???
It is not a surprise that many of you would want to give your relationship another try but why do it when the person is genuinely happy with someone else that is not you? You need to realise that you snooze you lose.
Some of you have the "You only want them now that you cant have them" syndrome. When you realise that you may lose your ex you become selfish and worm yourself back into their lives, you don't care about anyone else but yourself not even of your ex's feelings and what they want.
You don't get to just wake up and decide that your ex needs to give you a chance and your relationship, STOP INVADING IN THEIR LIFE!!!
Just because you and your head believe that you have changed and things are different now, it still does not mean that you and your ex belong together now than you ever were when you were in the relationship.
What made your relationship not work the first time?? was it because you were two different people whose hearts did not connect or because you are the one that screwed up. you may have changed a few things about yourself but at the end of the day (you are still the same person) and so is your ex
Life is not a movie script
Think about all the movies that you have seen, boy meets girl, girls falls in love, they break up, girls falls in love with new guy that gives her everything that she has been looking for, ex comes back into girls life, she falls in love with ex all over again and what do you know (the EX is the hero)
Well I'm sorry to break it up for you but this is not going to happen in your situation, where you can just wiggle yourself back into your ex's life and try and snatch her away from someone that makes her truly happy
One thing that we need to understand is that if someone says they miss you, it does not necessarily mean that they want you back in their lives. You are not Ridge Forrester, so stop trying to play the lead role in this movie plot that you have with invading your ex's space.
When you become the space invading ex into your ex's life, you're not only bringing stress unto yourself but to your ex and their relationship, I did say earlier that it is being selfish, first think about what you are doing before deciding to cause chaos in someone Else's life. Put yourself in their shoes how would you feel if someone just came into your life when you are genuinely happy, it is emotionally draining!!
What if you want to be "just friends"
Many space invading ex's will invade an ex's happy relationship under the "wanting to become friends" quote, yet again it is being selfish, you cant be friends with all your ex's, learn to let go. But it also depends if you were friends with your ex before yall were dating and if you were than i know you would respect your "friends" personal space and feelings.
Instead of invading your ex's happy relationship space, go out there and find the same kind of happiness for yourself, this is the right time to do some soul searching and really sit down and think about what you really want and are you willing to be the cause that breaks up two happy people in a relationship for your own selfish reasons
Stop torturing the ex you claim to love so much and start working on you, if you feel bored log onto facebook or twitter and find a date.
ADVISE: Just because someone says they miss you it does not mean that they want you back.
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