I did not know how to start writing this post, but I am sure some of you have been where I am right now, where you like someone and then you do not, mixed emotions running through me.
This one person makes you feel so special like you are the only girl on this earth but then reality knocks in and you will be like "but he is a guy and he might just be like the rest of them". When you have been heartbroken so many times, it is harder for you to trust that someone so perfect would want to be with someone as flawed as you are, when someone is too good to be true.
I always tell myself that it is better to move on before you get in too deep, cause once you have invested your feelings into this one person, it is so difficult to get over them, the moment you show someone your emotional side, you need to be prepared to get hurt.
When a handsome, hot, fine, sexy guy with a beautiful heart comes along and wants to love you, and you cannot help but wonder "why me", It does not matter how confident and proud a girl can be about her body and self, let a guy come along and she likes him, there is a moment where she starts doubting herself.
I know that we as women love torturing ourselves with questions such as "does he like me" "why does he like me" "are we going to last" "will he respect me after we have had sex" "is he willing to date a girl like me". And then we listen to depressing music that deals with love and heartbreak or how perfect love is supposed to be like but honestly our lives cannot revolve around music and movies because this is reality, our relationships cannot be scripted, this is real life not something someone can write down on a piece of paper.
So I have decided to stop over-thinking things, I want to go with the flow of things, I want to allow myself to be loved without thinking that someone has hidden agendas or is bound to hurt me in the future cause honestly love comes with the heartbreak, you just need to find someone that is worth the pain and suffering.
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