I've been having a really bad week!!, I didn't know that love would be this hard, I thought I was going to be the insecure jealous girlfriend once I get into a relationship but it turns out I thought wrong
It is such a turn off when a guy becomes insecure, clingy and blackmails you emotionally, the most important thing that a guy in my life should understand is that I had a life before you and I'll always have it, gone or staying YOU decide what you want
If a guy is like this when he wants you, I am scared of what he might do to me once I'm in a relationship with him, he would hurt me or even kill me for talking to guys
People need to realise that the world does not revolve around them, every tweet, facebook status, BBM status is NOT about you, the sooner we realise that, the world can become a better place.. WORLD PEACE!!!
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Back To Varsity Vibes
Hate that varsity is opening but I love it too at the same time, I am tired of sitting at home and doing nothing constructive, okay but I do, do something constructive like eat, watch TV, browse the net for new music, take pictures, talk and eat all over again
Reality has just started kicking in, I really want to tell that person that said "varsity is a walk in the park and it is so exciting and its the best time of my life" WELL... the person that said this was talking crap, all I do is stress I need to get to class, I need to hand in my assignments on time or I need to make sure that i pass the test or exam
The only thing I miss about varsity is all the fun I have with my friends, the eating and meeting new people, other than that, classes are a big bore, I also can't wait for the daydreaming I do in a lecture about me and Sean Pages, laying on the.... Wait.... that is PG18+ SSSSSNL, so I'll move on... you wont hear about the rest of this dream
Nevertheless varsity is awesome, I've been waiting for it to open, there's so much gossip that I need to catch up on, and besides the gossip I love learning new things, I may not like varsity but its what I need to make sure that I have a stable future, I don't want to be a statistic of the "what if" quote.
The only thing I miss about varsity is all the fun I have with my friends, the eating and meeting new people, other than that, classes are a big bore, I also can't wait for the daydreaming I do in a lecture about me and Sean Pages, laying on the.... Wait.... that is PG18+ SSSSSNL, so I'll move on... you wont hear about the rest of this dream
Nevertheless varsity is awesome, I've been waiting for it to open, there's so much gossip that I need to catch up on, and besides the gossip I love learning new things, I may not like varsity but its what I need to make sure that I have a stable future, I don't want to be a statistic of the "what if" quote.
Saturday, 14 July 2012
a big NO NO!!!!
I understand that it is winter and all BUT I don't think we should stop maintaining our finger nails, never mind the toes they're always in closed shoes and socks, but our hands are in everybodys faces and theres always that one person that will look at your hands... So chipped off nail polish NO, bitten off nails NO, etc. unless youre at home for the holidays like me
like this one :)
Lets keep it plain and simple :)
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Crucifixion Type Love - Brent Rice
The first time I heard this poem, I cried like a baby, this poem is that deep, Brent Rice makes me want to wait until I find this type of man, but a wise guy Fana once told me that "relationships are not a movie script" and i understand that, but its not a bad thing to hope that one will find this type of man, there are "good guys" out there...
Here is the poem..
My biggest prayer is to love her right
I want to…
Love her like Christ loved the church
Love her like her Father in Heaven
Loves Her Love her like the Holy Spirit loves her soul
And love her like she was created to be loved
But sometimes….
Sometimes my flesh tries to intimidate me with that kind of love
Its like my spirit cries out from the depths of this corrupted prison
With the voice of Abel screaming that
I have not loved her to the extent Christ loves the church
I want a crucifixion type love
Every time I hug her I want my arms to be spread out on the cross
And I want to die to my childish ways
Every time I look into her eyes
I want a crown of thorns to be placed on my head and surrender my thought life to her honor
I want the walks we take in the park
To be nails driven into my feet so that they will lead her with the authority of Moses
I want a crucifixion type love
I want my side to be pierced every time we laugh together
so that ill always remember that she is my rib
Every time I sleep and dream of her
I want my back to be beaten with a catonine tails
so that I’ll always carry her burdens for her
Every time I’m not with her
I want to stand before pilate and stand true to my relationship with her
I want those who have seen me to have seen her in ME when we are apart
I want a crucifixion type love
I want a love that will cause dead men to rise
When people gaze on us, they want to know who is this Christ that we speak of
Every time she falls I want to take her in my arms like my cross and carry her up to calvary
I want men to mock me for not wanting to be like them
For not wanting to squander my love on various women
But to have the passion to pour out my love onto one soul for all of eternity
I want a crucifixion type love
I want a love that was predestined before eternity
I want a love that was birthed in my mother’s womb
I want a love that is willing to give up this world for her
I want a love that is immaculate
I want a love that makes the angel’s wish they were in our shoes
I want a love that will make me pray to God and say
Who am I that YOU are mindful of me to bless me with her
I want a crucifixion type love
I want a love that bleeds purity
I want a love that people will lie on us just to see us split apart
I want a love that will make me run away to a far village,
build a mansion for you with my bare hands
and send you love letters every day reminding you of me
letters that you can keep in a book and spend time reading them every day
I want a love that will make my spirit pray for you
I want a love that will make me walk on water
in the middle of the most dangerous storm for you
I want a crucifixion type love
I want a love that my friends will betray me because of my affection for you
I want a love that after we’re gone,
that for centuries to come men will aim to follow in our legacy
Every time I rise in the morning
I want it to be my cross being raised upright for you
To stand on the hill of my life and portray a beautiful sacrifice
I want to be placed into the tomb of your heart
The Tomb that your mother and father built
I want a love that will rise with all power over adversity
I want a love that people will flock to see if it is real
I want a crucifixion type love
I want a love that shows my yearning for you
I want a love that even when we argue,
I still have a burning passion & desire to be with you
I want a love that heals
The kind of love that covers the wounds that were dug deep by the knives of infidelity and insecurity
I want a love that makes God get up and dance around his throne every time he sets his eyes on us
I want a crucifixion type love
So with all of that said
Lord, give me the strength to love her like you love me
Like the way you didn’t consider being equal with the Father a thing to be grasped
But you came and gave up your throne for the filth of this world And in love, you served In the same way
Let me serve her unconditionally infinitely
Let me MAN UP
And quit wasting time playing games
and pursue her like you pursue your church
Because you have chosen me to be entrusted with her heart
So let me cherish it like a jeweler cherishes a diamond
Let me examine it and find out every minute detail about her worth
I want to love her
like Abraham loved Sarah
Like Isaac loved Rebecca
Like Jacob loved Rachel
Like Boaz loved Ruth
Like Solomon loved his Queen
I want a crucifixion type love
So into your hands I commit this relationship
Because I want to love her like you Love your church
I WANT a Crucifixion…type…love…
Here is the poem..
My biggest prayer is to love her right
I want to…
Love her like Christ loved the church
Love her like her Father in Heaven
Loves Her Love her like the Holy Spirit loves her soul
And love her like she was created to be loved
But sometimes….
Sometimes my flesh tries to intimidate me with that kind of love
Its like my spirit cries out from the depths of this corrupted prison
With the voice of Abel screaming that
I have not loved her to the extent Christ loves the church
I want a crucifixion type love
Every time I hug her I want my arms to be spread out on the cross
And I want to die to my childish ways
Every time I look into her eyes
I want a crown of thorns to be placed on my head and surrender my thought life to her honor
I want the walks we take in the park
To be nails driven into my feet so that they will lead her with the authority of Moses
I want a crucifixion type love
I want my side to be pierced every time we laugh together
so that ill always remember that she is my rib
Every time I sleep and dream of her
I want my back to be beaten with a catonine tails
so that I’ll always carry her burdens for her
Every time I’m not with her
I want to stand before pilate and stand true to my relationship with her
I want those who have seen me to have seen her in ME when we are apart
I want a crucifixion type love
I want a love that will cause dead men to rise
When people gaze on us, they want to know who is this Christ that we speak of
Every time she falls I want to take her in my arms like my cross and carry her up to calvary
I want men to mock me for not wanting to be like them
For not wanting to squander my love on various women
But to have the passion to pour out my love onto one soul for all of eternity
I want a crucifixion type love
I want a love that was predestined before eternity
I want a love that was birthed in my mother’s womb
I want a love that is willing to give up this world for her
I want a love that is immaculate
I want a love that makes the angel’s wish they were in our shoes
I want a love that will make me pray to God and say
Who am I that YOU are mindful of me to bless me with her
I want a crucifixion type love
I want a love that bleeds purity
I want a love that people will lie on us just to see us split apart
I want a love that will make me run away to a far village,
build a mansion for you with my bare hands
and send you love letters every day reminding you of me
letters that you can keep in a book and spend time reading them every day
I want a love that will make my spirit pray for you
I want a love that will make me walk on water
in the middle of the most dangerous storm for you
I want a crucifixion type love
I want a love that my friends will betray me because of my affection for you
I want a love that after we’re gone,
that for centuries to come men will aim to follow in our legacy
Every time I rise in the morning
I want it to be my cross being raised upright for you
To stand on the hill of my life and portray a beautiful sacrifice
I want to be placed into the tomb of your heart
The Tomb that your mother and father built
I want a love that will rise with all power over adversity
I want a love that people will flock to see if it is real
I want a crucifixion type love
I want a love that shows my yearning for you
I want a love that even when we argue,
I still have a burning passion & desire to be with you
I want a love that heals
The kind of love that covers the wounds that were dug deep by the knives of infidelity and insecurity
I want a love that makes God get up and dance around his throne every time he sets his eyes on us
I want a crucifixion type love
So with all of that said
Lord, give me the strength to love her like you love me
Like the way you didn’t consider being equal with the Father a thing to be grasped
But you came and gave up your throne for the filth of this world And in love, you served In the same way
Let me serve her unconditionally infinitely
Let me MAN UP
And quit wasting time playing games
and pursue her like you pursue your church
Because you have chosen me to be entrusted with her heart
So let me cherish it like a jeweler cherishes a diamond
Let me examine it and find out every minute detail about her worth
I want to love her
like Abraham loved Sarah
Like Isaac loved Rebecca
Like Jacob loved Rachel
Like Boaz loved Ruth
Like Solomon loved his Queen
I want a crucifixion type love
So into your hands I commit this relationship
Because I want to love her like you Love your church
I WANT a Crucifixion…type…love…
Worst kisses!!!
There are great kisses the ones that give you butterflies in your tummy or those that get your hormones running uncontrollably and then there are those.... WORST kisses ever, the ones that make you want to scream out SIES!!! STOP IT!!! so I decided to ask a few of my friends their bad memories of their worst kisses.
I was in primary school doing grade 7, we started kissing and the girl was in sort of a hurry, she grabbed my lower lip with her lips, i dont know what went wrong she started breathing so hard and bit me, I was bleeding after the kiss and my lip was swollen for about three days.
This guy was like swallowing me literally, I was in his mouth, he was drowning me and busy brushing my thighs like theres no tomorrow, never again with that guy, HELL NO!!!
The girls name was Aisha, she almost ate my face, she was licking my mouth with her tongue, pulled my lips with her teeth, the worst part I couldnt pull back cause she held me too tight I couldnt breath or talk.
It was a very wet kiss like when we finished kissed i had to wipe my mouth with a towel.
Wale - Break Up Song *download*
"This is a story a boy meets girl, the boy Wale, pronounced Wal-A not Wal-E or Whale or whatever, of Washington DC, grew up believing that he'd never truly be happy, until the day he met his soul mate, this believes stems from early exposure to 90's R&B music at a total misreading of the movie "The bodyguard"
The girl Carmen did not share this belief, since the disintegration of her parents marriage, she'd only love two things, the 1st was her Barbies, the 2nd was how easily she could switch Kens and feel nothing, this is a story of boy meets girl BUT you should know upfront this is NOT a love story"
-Hope you will enjoy this true song, download it NOW!!!
The girl Carmen did not share this belief, since the disintegration of her parents marriage, she'd only love two things, the 1st was her Barbies, the 2nd was how easily she could switch Kens and feel nothing, this is a story of boy meets girl BUT you should know upfront this is NOT a love story"
-Hope you will enjoy this true song, download it NOW!!!
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
The Value of...
- To realise the value of a sister/brother: ask someone who does not have one
- To realise the value of ten years: ask a newly divorced couple
- To realise the value of 4 years: ask a graduate
- To realise the value of one year: ask a student who has failed their final exam
- To realise the value of 9 months: ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn
- To realise the value of one month: ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby
- To realise the value of one week: ask an editor of a weekly newspaper
- To realise the value of one minute: ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane
- To realise the value of one second: ask a person who has survived an accident
- To realise the value of a friend or family member: LOSE ONE- The origin of this letter is unknown
"Time waits for no one, treasure every moment you have, you will treasure it even more when you share it with someone special" - Puly
Baby Mama Drama
Am I the only woman that seems to ONLY attract guys that have kids??, but its weird because im always the last to know that these guys that i like have kids
okay but i gotta give it to this guy he told me about his kid when the kid was 5 months old, and I decided that we would never work out
The ultimate shock was when i found out about the guy that i've been crushing on, when some girl tagged him a photo of her and a baby on Facebook, that was a shocking moment that ohh this guy has a kid, i guess you're wondering how do I know if its his kid, well he commented by "my baby and my baby both looking lovely
I dont have a problem with guys having little juniors running around, a baby is a gift from God, but I can never date someone that has a kid, because all my life i'll be the third wheel, lets face it the father and mother will ALWAYS have a relationship/link all because of the child
And one can never guarantee that they'll never get back together again because they will always have that connection
Say NO to baby mama drama
okay but i gotta give it to this guy he told me about his kid when the kid was 5 months old, and I decided that we would never work out
The ultimate shock was when i found out about the guy that i've been crushing on, when some girl tagged him a photo of her and a baby on Facebook, that was a shocking moment that ohh this guy has a kid, i guess you're wondering how do I know if its his kid, well he commented by "my baby and my baby both looking lovely
I dont have a problem with guys having little juniors running around, a baby is a gift from God, but I can never date someone that has a kid, because all my life i'll be the third wheel, lets face it the father and mother will ALWAYS have a relationship/link all because of the child
And one can never guarantee that they'll never get back together again because they will always have that connection
Say NO to baby mama drama
Mandela Day
Cheesekids presents our67s, Nelson Mandela Day REVOLUTION (take action, be the change)
Sunday July 15th, it will take place in three cities: Cape Town, Durban and Jo'Burg, the countdown begins to the day where we individuals do good work
The other day when I broadcasted a message to let people know about the day, a friend of mine said to me, "why should i do this, Mandela did not fight the struggle alone, so why should it be in his name" and I told him that the day is not abput Mandela of him, this is doing good work for people that need it more than us, we;re giving back to the less fortunate
People need to start changing their attitudes, giving to someone is never about personal gain, its all about putting smiles on people that never expected you to do something for them
Big ups to everybody that will be taking part on this day and putting a smile on someones face
To keep up with new info follow @Cheesekids or search #Madiba67
To keep up with new info follow @Cheesekids or search #Madiba67
We've Lost The Key Value "Respect"
We all know when we plan a party we send our invitations 2 weeks before or 3 … and at the bottom of the invite its written RSVP.
At a private party, the venue needs to know how many people are going to be there, you do people a favor and put them on a guestlist and then they dont pitch up and they’ve been telling you that they’ll be there, when in fact you could have invited someone else in their place.
Forget about them not coming but what happened to the little respect that we have or supposed to have, when did we start losing that value, the little someone can do is say “i’m sorry, but I cant make it” but it is really disrespectful to have someone blatantly lie to you.
Let’s move on from those, then you get the people that dont call you and let you know whatsup! Those that dont speak to you for more than two weeks after your party… so I ask myself is it guilt that’s eating you?
The world will never come right if we lose this value RESPECT!!! and it is really sad to have the people you love lie to you or not respect you.
National Cleavage Day
National cleavage day is celebrated on the 30th of March every year.
So what is national cleavage day? The SUN describes it as a holiday to “celebrate women’s independence and power in their lives and relationships.
many women flash their assets to feel feminine and sexy and OH BOY!!!!!!!!! was my twitter on fire this morning with the ladies appreciating what they were given.
be sure to follow these wonderful women.
Breast are always the center of attraction in a woman apart from the face and other assets
breast really do carry us, so ladies appreciate and embrace them big or small.
The Principle Behind It...
Saturday me and my friends decided to grab lunch at KFC, got there and sat down, we gave our orders to one of our friends, she went and bought the food.
She comes back with our food and the slips, I realise that the lady that served her did not give her the 5cents change and I stood up and approached this woman with the slip and asked for my 5cents change and she tells me that they do not have change right now.
I told her to call the manager because I demand my change right now and I stood there until she made a plan.
This was not about the 5cent, I really dont need it BUT it was about the principle behind it, if I walked into KFC and I was short of a 5cent I would not get my meal…
Imagine if 500 people never got their 5cents’ how much would a place make from us, calculate it and the lesson of the day for me was to be calm and collected, making a scene when you’re angry is never a good plan.
Broken Yet Holding on...
There is that one person that you can’t let go of, no matter how many signs get knocked into your face.
My heart and mind don’t have the same understanding, my mind says move on but my heart says keep on waiting.
But that’s life, it’s either you stay in the same place and suffer or you live and slowly cure yourself.
Moving on is hard, with the fear and hope that this person will soon realise how much they mean to you.
You get your heart broken for someones to stay okay…
That moment when you have to forget about someone and move on, it’s the worst feeling ever…
but in the end it only makes you STRONGER!!…
Dont Get Fooled By A Venda Dj From UJ
They act like real gentlemen, sweet, shy and friendly the first time you meet them BUT their true colors show after a week or so.
If you’re dating a “Venda dj” be very worried especially if he has got WACK game.
This guy needs his own category for being HORRIBLE
BBM convo goes as follows:
Venda dj – I like you lets make things happen
Me – you’re straightforward, no hiding behind the bush, I like
Venda dj – :) :)
Me – :)
Next day this asshole tells me he has a girlfriend meanwhile he’s hitting on me, nigga tells me not to tweet him coz his GF doesn’t like it when women tweet him, then WHY THE F**K ARE WE FOLLOWING HIM?
If a woman doesn’t like it when her man gets tweets from ladies … doesn’t that mean she’s INSECURE AF??!!!
I cant respect you if you hit on me and then tell me you have a girlfriend the next day, just shows me you’ve got no respect for me
LESSON: if you’re after vagina!! HAVE MORE GAME, “swag doesn’t mean sitting behind your BB curve, looking asvaal and washed out & then tryna hit on Pulane
28 Things They Forgot To Tell You At University
- silver coins are like gold
- two meals a day is standard
- spontaneous nights out become every night
- 30 minutes power naps do not help, you will fall asleep again after waking up
- your bookstore bill will almost equal tuition
- sitting at the Student Centre everday will guarantee you an F7
- email becomes your 2nd language including twitter, facebook and bbm
- you never realised so many people were smarter than you
- you wont remember yesterdays lecture, but you can remember last weeks episode of generations
- you will never rent more movies in your life
- no one is too old for video games
- your room will only be clean once you have your potential come for a visit
- it never sucked so much to be sick
- lectures: the later the better(but you will still sleep through them)
- cereal makes a meal any time of the day
- asleep by 02:30AM is an early night
- new additions to food groups : noodles
- tissue & sellotape makes a good plaster
- showers become less important, sleep becomes more important
- you will eat anything if its free
- you realise that university is the best place to be except for the boring lectures
- procrastination is an art form
- jeans may be worn as many times as the wearer desires
- the only time to dress up is when all your jeans are dirty
- a cancelled lecture is almost better than getting drunk
- getting money from your parents is regarded as payment
- if you do something stupid, you will be laughed at
- it can take you up to 8 years to finish a 3 year degree
There will come a time in your life where you wish you ate out of paper plates everyday
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